Saturday, July 19, 2008

Erica's Affirmation Angel

Before my niece came to visit, she had just finished up college, & was in need of a break! She'd been working alot too! I wanted to make her something special for her graduation...and her birthday. So, there was an idea I'd had for my store, & I decided to make her the first of the series. Hers is a little larger than the others will be, but they will be the same basic idea. It's a small stuffed angel with a pocket in back to hold affirmations. (I also included a check as a surprise!) ;) I think she liked it! Here's some pics of the process:

Once it was complete, I stuffed it with pure cotton & a handful of lavender. It smells so good! I wrote her a card from her Affirmation Angel! I hope it helps her in the next part of her life's journey!

1 comment:

Timaree said...

I bet she enjoys it a lot. Somewhere to tuck the little prayers or hopes is wonderful.